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Ruby on Rails

Getting Started with Ruby on Rails

This quickstart demonstrates how to add our PhotoEditor SDK for HTML to a Ruby on Rails application in no time. Just follow the steps and you'll get a fully fledged photo editor in your rails app.

WARNING: The repository is not meant as a fully fledged Rails application, but as a base for further development instead.


  1. Init Rails

    rails new pesdk-rails-demo
    cd pesdk-rails-demo
  2. Get PhotoEditor HTML5

    export VERSION=4.22.1
    wget "$"
    unzip -x "v$"

    with curl

    export VERSION=4.22.1
    curl -O -L "$"
    unzip -x "v$"
  3. Copy files to vendor directory

    mkdir -p vendor/assets/javascripts
    cp "pesdk-html5-build-$VERSION/js/PhotoEditor"* vendor/assets/javascripts
    cp "pesdk-html5-build-$VERSION/js/vendor/"* vendor/assets/javascripts
    mkdir -p vendor/assets/stylesheets
    cp "pesdk-html5-build-$VERSION/css/PhotoEditor"* vendor/assets/stylesheets
    mkdir -p vendor/assets/images
    cp -R "pesdk-html5-build-$VERSION/assets/"* vendor/assets/images
  4. Create new home controller with index page

    rails generate controller home index
  5. Open app/views/home/index.html.erb

    <!-- PESDK Demo Integration -->
    style="width: 100vmin; height: 75vmin; padding: 0px; margin: 0px"
  6. Update app/assets/javascripts/application.js

    //= require react.production.min
    //= require react-dom.production.min
    //= require PhotoEditorSDK.min
    //= require PhotoEditorSDK.UI.ReactUI.min
  7. Update app/assets/stylesheets/application.css

    *= require PhotoEditorSDK.UI.ReactUI.min

    Important: Insert the code snipped before the */

  8. Edit app/assets/javascripts/ and insert

    window.onload = ->
    license = 'license-string' // <-- Please replace this with the content of your license file. The JSON-object must be in string format.
    container = document.getElementById('pesdk')
    editor = new (PhotoEditorSDK.UI.ReactUI)(
    container: container
    license: license
    baseUrl: '/assets'
    resolver: (path) ->

    If you don't want to use CoffeeScript, delete app/assets/javascripts/, create app/assets/javascripts/home.js and insert

    window.onload = function () {
    license = 'license-string'; // <-- Please replace this with the content of your license file. The JSON-object must be in string format.
    var container = document.getElementById('pesdk');
    var editor = new PhotoEditorSDK.UI.ReactUI({
    container: container,
    license: license,
    assets: {
    baseUrl: '/assets', // => Matches default asset url for rails
    resolver: function (path) {
    return path;
  9. Start rails

    bundle exec rails server -p 3000
  10. Open Webbrowser and go to http://localhost:3000/home/index

Switch between React- and DesktopUI#

In order to use the DesktopUI instead of the ReactUI, you need to make some changes to your setup. Replace in point ...

  1. //= require PhotoEditorSDK.UI.ReactUI.min with //= require PhotoEditorSDK.UI.DesktopUI.min

  2. *= require PhotoEditorSDK.UI.ReactUI.min with *= require PhotoEditorSDK.UI.DesktopUI.min

  3. editor = new (PhotoEditorSDK.UI.ReactUI) with editor = new (PhotoEditorSDK.UI.DesktopUI) in or

    var editor = new PhotoEditorSDK.UI.ReactUI with var editor = new PhotoEditorSDK.UI.DesktopUI in home.js