Join Us
in Making
Design Accessible.

IMG.LY builds developer tools to bridge the gap between technology and design. We equip, empower and connect creative people. And you are part of it!

Current Openings

Senior C++ Developer - IMG.LY SDK

Permanent employee, Full-time, Remote

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How it Works

Get in Touch

A CV is neat, but instead of the usual cover letter, tell us a bit about yourself and what floats your boat. We would like to know who you are!


Let's Chat

We are a motley bunch and a tight-knit squad always striving to be effective and succeed. During the people interview we will get to know each other on a people level and set the frame for everything there is to come.


Meet the Team

During your second interview you will meet the team and get into all the details concerning your future job. Your tasks, the team structure and whatever is crucial for you and us to continue our journey together.


Test the Waters

On your trial day, you will experience what it’s like to be a member of the pack. Join team calls, work on a task and see if it’s a match!


It's a Match!

You like your new team, and the feeling is mutual — welcome to IMG.LY!


Get in Touch

Michael Taubenheim

Michael is our specialist for People Experience. Go ahead and ask him anything!


Our headquarters are based at the very heart of Bochum in Germany but our team works from everywhere. We give you the freedom and tools – you choose where you work best.

Code of Conduct

Neslihan Dogan

Diverse & Inclusive

IMG.LY consists of people who believe in accessibility, both creatively and materially. We highly encourage applications from people underrepresented in the industry. Our Communicator Gözde will take care of any concerns or questions you have.

A Safe Outerspace

We are committed to a diverse, inclusive, and harassment-free workplace. That means we do not accept any enforcement of marginalization through racism or discrimination, such as sexism, ableism, ageism, homophobia, transphobia, body-shaming, or any non-merit factors. We expect everyone associated with IMG.LY to abide by this Code of Conduct.

A Peek Inside IMG.LY