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PESDK/Android/Guides/User Interface

Customize Icons

Customize user interface icons

PhotoEditor SDK contains multiple icons as resource drawables. These can be obtained from our demo repository inside the res subfolder from the default_res_files folder for the SDK version you are using.

To replace a default icon with a custom one, simply create a resource drawable inside of your project with the same name as the one used inside the SDK. For example, the save icon is included in the SDK as imgly_icon_save.xml. To replace the save icon, save your custom icon as a resource drawable inside your project with the same name (imgly_icon_save). We recommend using vector drawables as they take less size and scale across densities. However, you can also use other formats for your icons and include multiple icons for different densities.

When AAPT comes across the same resource name, it picks the resource declared in your project over the resource declared in the SDK allowing you to replace any resource inside the SDK.