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From App Bundle

VideoEditor SDK supports loading stickers from the app bundle. In this example, we load both a custom sticker and an existing sticker from the IMG.LY bundle.

Adding Sticker categories#

Stickers are added to the VideoEditor SDK via the configuration.sticker.categories array within a StickerCategory.

Adding custom categories#

Each StickerCategory takes a name, an identifier, a thumbnailUri as well as an array of Stickers via them items property. A category can be populated both with custom as well as existing stickers that are shipped with the SDK.

Adding existing categories#

Existing StickerCategories can be added by specifying the unique identifier. You can find all available identifiers of the predefined categories here.

Adding stickers#

A Sticker is always added to the SDK via a hosting StickerCategory as shown in the previous section.

Adding custom stickers#

Each Sticker takes an identifier, a name as well as a stickerUri pointing to the actual sticker file. The sticker identifier needs to be unique since it is used during the (de)serialization process.

Adding existing stickers#

Existing stickers can be added by specifying the corresponding identifier. You can find all available identifiers of the predefined categories here.