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Change default icons#

To exchange an icon delivered with the SDK a resource with the same name has to be put into your projects resource folder, to override the default PESDK one. All resource files have names prefixed by imgly_ or pesdk_. That means that the original icon named e.g. imgly_icon_save.xml has to be exchanged with a custom icon using the same name. This way the PESDK will automatically use the new version of this icon and changing code won't be necessary.

To get access to the SDKs default icons simply download our demo repository and extract the res subfolder from the default_res_files folder.

Icon size

Please make sure, that you overwrite the icon in all densities if it is not a VectorDrawable.

  • Put a 48x48px icon file into the drawable-mdpi folder (1.0x baseline) for medium-density
  • Put a 72x72px icon file into the drawable-hdpi folder (1.5x) for high-density
  • Put a 96x96px icon file into the drawable-xhdpi folder (2.0x) for extra-high-density
  • Put a 180x180px icon file into the drawable-xxhdpi folder (3.0x) for extra-extra-high-density
  • Put a 192x192px icon file into the drawable-xxxhdpi folder (4.0x) for extra-extra-extra-high-density

Special case color item#

There are two special files inside this project: imgly_icon_option_selected_color.png and imgly_icon_option_selected_color_bg.png. Both combined will create an icon which will be used for both the fore- and background colorpicking for the sticker. The white color values from imgly_icon_option_selected_color.png replace and overlays the content from imgly_icon_option_selected_color_bg.png with the chosen color within the runtime.