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VESDK/React Native/Guides/Stickers

Smart Stickers

The VideoEditor SDK for React Native provides predefined smart stickers

There are currently four predefined smart stickers available for the configuration.sticker option:

  1. Weekday
  2. Date
  3. Time
  4. Time Clock

These smart stickers are part of the first default sticker category with the identifier "imgly_sticker_category_emoticons". You can add the individual smart stickers as ExistingSticker objects:

const configuration: Configuration = {
sticker: {
categories: [
identifier: "custom",
thumbnailURI: require('../../../../assets/custom_sticker_igor.png'),
name: "Smart",
items: [
{ identifier: "imgly_smart_sticker_weekday" },
{ identifier: "imgly_smart_sticker_date" },
{ identifier: "imgly_smart_sticker_time" },
{ identifier: "imgly_smart_sticker_time_clock" },