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VESDK/React Native/Getting Started/Integration

Integration using Expo

Quickly integrate VideoEditor SDK for React Native into your application.

Free Trial#

Our tech is modified to be used for testing purposes without a license key. To start testing just follow this Get Started guide and leave out the step of entering the commercial license keys. The editor will simply render a watermark over the preview and final results. And in case you need any technical assistance, make sure to reach out to us: We’ll be glad to help.


For this version, the requirements are:

  • Expo SDK: 45
  • iOS: 13
  • Android: 5 (SDK 21)

If your app depends on some older versions of these requirements please have a look at previous versions of the SDK. Please note that this module can not be used in the Expo Go application because it uses custom native libraries.

Expo CLI#

In order to use this module with the Expo CLI you can make use of our integrated Expo config plugin:

  1. Add our module to your Expo application:

    expo install react-native-videoeditorsdk

    This will automatically install react-native-imglysdk which you can use to configure your application with our Expo config plugin.

  2. Inside your app's app.json or app.config.js add our config plugin:

    "plugins": ["react-native-imglysdk"]

    If needed, you can also use a specific version of our native library for Android as well as define explicitly the included modules. By default, all modules for both PhotoEditor SDK and VideoEditor SDK are included. Further, you can alternate the KSP version with the kspVersion parameter based on the Kotlin version you are using. Please take a look here on further details.

    For Expo version < 45, you can configure the buildToolsVersion, minSdkVersion, compileSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion, and kotlinGradlePluginVersion. From version 45+ we recommend setting these properties using the expo-build-properties config plugin directly.

    "plugins": [
    "android": {
    "version": "10.9.0",
    "kspVersion": "1.8.0-1.0.9",
    "modules": [
    "buildToolsVersion": "34.0.0",
    "minSdkVersion": "21",
    "compileSdkVersion": "34",
    "targetSdkVersion": "34",
    "kotlinGradlePluginVersion": "1.8.0"

    For further information on the available modules, please refer to step 4 of the React Native CLI Android guides.

    Please note that the react-native-imglysdk module manages both VideoEditor SDK as well as PhotoEditor SDK so you only need to add the Expo config plugin once even when using both SDKs.

  3. From version 2.15.0 the iOS deployment target needs to be set to at least iOS 13. You can use the expo-build-properties config plugin for this. Please refer to the official Expo docs.

  4. The changes will be applied on expo prebuild or during the prebuild phase of eas build.

For further information on how to integrate Expo config plugins please also refer to the official docs.