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Present Video Editor using SwiftUI

Since we are using UIKit in our example application we need to use an UIHostingController to present a SwiftUI View. The VideoEditorSwiftUIView defined below wraps the actual VideoEditor view to coordinate its dismissal with the presenting UIViewController. This process is not necessary for a pure SwiftUI application. You would use the VideoEditor view directly.

Create the video editor#

The custom VideoEditorSwiftUIView acts as the ContentView of a pure SwiftUI application. The VideoEditor is declared to be the only view and to be initialized with the provided video. The dismissAction is responsible to forward the events from the VideoEditor modifiers to the hosting UIViewController.

Handling events#

Using the onDidSave modifier allows us to register an event handler that is invoked when a user successfully exports an edited video. The result argument passed to the closure is of type VideoEditorResult and contains the URL of the exported video.

After performing some action with this video, such as uploading it or saving it, we call dismissAction to exit the editor.

Likewise, if the user taps the cancel button or an error was thrown we dismiss the editor in this example.

Next Steps#