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Present Camera using SwiftUI

Since we are using UIKit in our example application we need to use an UIHostingController to present a SwiftUI View. The VideoCameraSwiftUIView defined below wraps the actual Camera view to coordinate its dismissal with the presenting UIViewController. This process is not necessary for a pure SwiftUI application. You would use the Camera view directly.

Configure and create the view#

In order to record and access videos in the camera roll the NSCameraUsageDescription and NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key need to be present in your Info.plist file. In addition, for the audio track of recorded videos the NSMicrophoneUsageDescription key is also required to be present.

The custom VideoCameraSwiftUIView acts as the ContentView of a pure SwiftUI application.

First, we create several instance variables; the video to reference recorded or selected videos, a boolean variable vesdkPresented to indicate whether the editor view should be presented and a PhotoEditModel which holds the edit state of the camera view i.e. filters that have been applied.

Next, we create a configuration object setting allowedRecordingModes to [.video], since we only want to enable recording and selecting videos not photos. By default, the camera view controller does not show a cancel button, so it can be embedded into any other view controller. But since it is presented modally in this example, a cancel button should be visible.

Refer to the configuration guide for a detailed explanation of how to configure the editor.

Next, we initialize the Camera with the configuration object and use the fullScreenCover in combination with the onChange modifier to edit the video with the VideoEditor.

Handling events#

Using the onDidSave method allows us to register an event handler that is invoked when a user successfully recorded or selected a video. The result argument passed to the block is of type CameraResult and contains a URL that points to the video and a PhotoEditModel allowing us to pass on the applied filters to the editor.

Likewise, if the user taps the cancel button we dismiss the camera in this example.

Next Steps#