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VESDK/React Native

Migrating to version 3.2.0

A migration guide for version 3.2.0 of VideoEditor SDK for React Native.

Android integration#

With version 3.2.0 of the VideoEditor SDK for React Native, the integration of the native Android PE.SDK has changed. The new minimum Android PE.SDK version is 10.9.0 which requires Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP). The KSP version depends on the Kotlin version that you are using. In order to find the correct version, please visit the official KSP release page. Please see the guides below on how to migrate:


If you are using Expo, you do not need to migrate manually by default as the react-native-imglysdk config plugin handles this. However, you might need to change your KSP version depending on the Kotlin version you are using. For this, use the kspVersion parameter:

"plugins": [
"android": {
"version": "10.9.0",
"kspVersion": "1.8.0-1.0.9"

React Native CLI#

To migrate, please add the KSP plugin to your android/build.gradle and change the SDK version to 10.9.0:

buildscript {
dependencies {
+ classpath '' // Depending on your `kotlin_version` version.
+ classpath ''

Further, you need to do the following modification inside your android/app/build.gradle:

- imglyConfig {
+ IMGLY.configure {
modules {
include 'ui:text'
include 'ui:focus'