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Swift compatibility: Which Swift versions are supported?

We note in the changelog when we increase the production version of Xcode and Swift to compile our SDK releases. Consuming our SDK requires then the same or a newer Xcode and Swift version. Please find the current minimum required Xcode and Swift version on our system compatibility page.

With the SDK version 10.19.0 we enabled library evolution and module stability which enabled forward compatibility with any Xcode (beta) and Swift version.

Older releases of the SDK were bound to a specific build of Xcode. If you were required to use an older version of Xcode, you unfortunately had to use an older version of VideoEditor SDK as well.

We updated the SDK very quickly after a new release of Xcode, so that a matching build was usually available within a couple of days at most. In most cases we also offered prereleases of the SDK, which could be used with prereleases of Xcode. Those prereleases were then available on GitHub and named after the Xcode prerelease they were built with. Unfortunately we couldn't distribute prereleases via CocoaPods.