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From Camera Roll

VideoEditor SDK supports importing videos from the camera roll.

Instantiate image picker#

To that end, we first instantiate a UIImagePickerController. We are opting for this class over PHPickerViewController, because the latter does not reliably work for some .mp4 files encoded with non-ffmpeg codecs. We have reported this issue to Apple.

We further set the current class as the controller's delegate to handle cancellation. Since we only want videos from the camera roll, we set sourceType and mediaType correspondingly.

Prevent re-encoding#

We want to prevent reencoding the video when UIImagePickerController passes it to the delegate methods, so we set the videoExportPreset property to passthrough

Initialize the editor#

The imagePickerController delegate is invoked when the user picked a video and the video's mediaURL is passed to it via the info dictionary. We can now dismiss the image picker and create a Video from the videoURL which is in turn passed as videoAsset to the VideoEditViewController to instantiate the video editor. Again, setting the current class as the delegate of the VideoEditViewController allows us to implement export, cancellation and error handling there.