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From Remote URL

VideoEditor SDK supports loading stickers from a remote URL, this can be a resource hosted by a hosting provider or your servers.

Although the editor supports adding assets with remote URLs, we highly recommend that you manage the download of remote resources yourself, since this gives you more control over the whole process. In this example, we add a custom sticker by directly passing the remote URLs in the configuration. For an example of how to download the remote resources in advance see the font example.

Custom sticker asset#

Here, we create a custom sticker using ImageStickerAsset. It takes in a unique identifier (used for serialization/deserialization purposes), and the sticker's ImageSource.

Add sticker to AssetConfig#

To use the sticker, it must first be available in the SDK's backend. This is done by adding the sticker to the AssetConfig.

Create a custom sticker category#

We then add the stickers to a StickerCategoryItem and provide it with an id, name, and thumbnail ImageSource.

Configure UiConfigSticker#

Here, we configure UiConfigSticker and add the custom sticker category as the first item in the list.