Integration using Swift Package Manager
Free Trial#
Our tech is modified to be used for testing purposes without a license key. To start testing just follow this Get Started guide and leave out the step of entering the commercial license keys. The editor will simply render a watermark over the preview and final results. And in case you need any technical assistance, make sure to reach out to us: We’ll be glad to help.
PhotoEditor SDK requires iOS 13+ and Xcode 13.3+ with Swift 5.6+. If you have to use older versions of Swift or support older versions of iOS, please have a look at previous versions.
Swift Package Manager#
PhotoEditor SDK is available as a Swift package. If you're new to Swift Package Manager, this guide will help you to add a dependency to your app. Using the Swift Package Manager is the preferred and simplest way to use PhotoEditor SDK.
To add the PhotoEditor SDK package dependency to your Xcode project, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and enter the URL of our build repository: