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Change default colors#

Open the res/values/imgly_color.xml in your project and edit the specific ARGB Hex value or double tap the color rect on the left side of the line to open the color picker


To exchange a color delivered with the SDK a color resource with the same identifier has to be put into a file in your projects resource folder, to override the default PESDK one. All colors have indetifiers prefixed by imgly_ or pesdk_. That means that the original color named e.g. imgly_editor_text_color has to be exchanged with a custom color using the same identifier. This way the PESDK will automatically use the new version of this color and changing code won't be necessary.

To get access to the SDKs default colors simply download our demo repository and extract the res subfolder from the default_res_files folder. All colors can be found in the values folder.

Color Theming#

Take a look at the themes documentation.