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To Gallery

Start Editor#

For the sake of this example, we load a video from the resources into the video editor.

Configure the VideoEditorSaveSettings to save the exported video to the gallery using the setOutputToGallery() method. This saves the video in Environment.DIRECTORY_DCIM.

You can also specify the folder name and file name by calling setOutputToGallery(folder, name) instead. If scoped storage is enabled, DCIM, Pictures, and Movies are the only two valid folder names. The name of the file can contain a SimpleDateFormat pattern inside angular brackets like img_<yyMMddHHmmss>. This would be evaluated at the time of export.

Handle Result#

The result from the editor is received in the onActivityResult() method. EditorSDKResult wraps around the intent and provides a convenient API to check the result. The Uri of the exported video can be accessed via EditorSDKResult.resultUri.