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Control the CreativeEditor UI via API

Once the CreativeEditor is initialized, the user interface can be controlled with the following API. This will allow us to integrate the editor in a broader context and leverage more use cases and workflows.

Panel API#

Panels are a basic concept of our UI, e.g. extensively used for asset libraries and inspectors. Given a CreativeEditorSDK instance, we can query if a given panel is open as well as access methods to open/close them.

  • cesdk.ui.isPanelOpen(panelId: string): boolean returns true if and only if a panel with the given panel id is open.
  • cesdk.ui.openPanel(panelId: string, options?: { position?: PanelPosition, floating?: boolean }) opens a panel with the given id if and only if it exists, is not open and is currently registered (known to the UI). Otherwise the method does nothing and is a noop. Options can be provided additionally that will override the default position and floating of the given panel. Please note, that the default position and floating behavior are not changed for this panel.
  • cesdk.ui.closePanel(panelId: string) closes a panel with the given id if and only if it exists and is open. Otherwise the method does nothing and is a noop.

Panel Position#

Every panel in the UI is typically displayed either on the left or right side of the canvas. An exception exists for rendering in smaller viewports, where all panels are situated at the bottom.

The setPanelPosition API is used to determine a panel's default placement.

  • cesdk.ui.setPanelPosition(panelId: string, panelPosition: PanelPosition) assigns a specific position to a panel identified by panelId. This function will also alter the panel's position while it is open, provided the panel wasn't initially opened with a pre-defined position option (see above).

Floating Panel#

Panels can either float over the canvas, potentially obscuring content, or be positioned adjacent to the canvas. The setPanelFloating API allows you to modify this behavior to suit different use cases.

  • cesdk.ui.setPanelFloating(panelId: string, floating: boolean) when set to true, the specified panel will float above the canvas. Conversely, setting it to false places the panel beside the canvas.

Available Panels#

Currently we support the following panel ids.

Panel IdDescription
Panel Id
The inspector panel for the currently selected block. Please note, that if no block is selected at all, this will open an empty panel with no content. In the advanced view, inspector panels are always open and cannot be opened/closed.
Panel Id
The panel for the asset library, Please note, that currently it is ot possible to open a new asset library with library entries defined. Thus, opening an asset library would show an empty library. More useful is closePanel to close an already open asset library.
Panel Id
The panel containing the replace library for the currently selected block. Please note, that if no block is selected or the selected block does not have asset replacement configured, the opened library will be empty. See Custom Asset Library for more information.
Panel Id
The settings panel to customize the editor during runtime.


The CE.SDK editor brings a notification API designed to deliver non-intrusive messages to the user, appearing in the lower right corner of the user interface. Use them to convey information without disrupting the user's current workflow. It provides a range of customization options to fit your specific needs.

  • cesdk.ui.showNotification(notification: string | Notification): string displays a new notification to the user, accepting either a simple string message or a more complex notification object that allows for additional configuration options (detailed below). It returns an id of the notification.
  • cesdk.ui.updateNotification(notificationId: string, notification: Notification): updates a notification given by the id. All configuration options can be changed. If the notificationId` doesn't exist or the notification has already been dismissed, this action will have no effect.
  • cesdk.ui.dismissNotification(notificationId: string) removes a notification identified by the provided notification notificationId. If the notificationId doesn't exist or the notification has already been dismissed, this action will have no effect.

Notification Options#

All options apart from message are optional

The message displayed on the notification. This can either be a string or an internationalization (i18n) key from the CE.SDK translations, allowing for localized messages.
Notifications can be displayed in various styles, each differing in appearance to convey the appropriate context to the user. The available types include info (which is the default setting), warning, error, success, and loading (which displays a loading spinner).
Notifications typically disappear after a set period, but the duration can vary based on the message's importance. Less critical updates may vanish swiftly, whereas warnings or significant alerts stay open for a longer time. You can specify this duration using either a numerical value representing milliseconds or predefined strings from CE.SDK, such as short, medium (which is the default setting), or long, each corresponding to different default durations. For notifications that should remain visible indefinitely, the infinite value can be used to prevent automatic dismissal.
A callback function that is triggered upon the dismissal of the notification, whether it's done automatically, programmatically, or manually by the user.
action: { label: "Retry", onClick: () => void }
Adds a single action button within the notification for user interaction.