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Configure the UI Elements in CreativeEditor SDK

In this example, we will show you how to theme CreativeEditor SDK.

Explore a full code sample on Stackblitz or view the code on Github.

Element Configurations#

The CE.SDK User Interface is build from the ground up to be highly adaptable to multiple use-cases. This includes hiding or showing individual ui elements, repositioning panels or definining the content of the inspector.


Two different views of the editor are available: The 'advanced' view always shows an inspector panel to the side of the canvas. The 'default' view hides the inspector panel until it is needed, and uses a minimal inspector bar on top of the canvas instead.

  • view: string is used to toggle between 'advanced' and 'default' view.
  • show: boolean is used to show or hide the complete navigation
  • position: string is used to set the location of the navigation bar to either top or bottom .

Actions (Buttons)#

action configures the available buttons in the navigation and call-to-action menu.

  • close: boolean shows or hides all close buttons.
  • back: boolean shows or hides all back buttons.
  • load: boolean shows or hides all load buttons.
  • save: boolean shows or hides all save buttons.
  • boolean shows or hides all export buttons.
  • export.format: 'application/pdf' | 'image/png' an array of mime types available for export. Supported are application/pdf and image/png. If not set it will add all supported mime types.
  • download: boolean shows or hides all download buttons.

Custom Call-To-Action Buttons#

action.custom receives an array of custom actions. These will appear as buttons in the call-to-action menu (that also contains the 'save', 'export' and 'download' actions). The first item in the array will be shown in the navigation bar (in place of the 'save' action); all other items will be listed in the dropdown menu. A custom actions has the following properties:

  • label a string, which can be an i18n key that will be looked up in the translation table.
  • iconName defines the icon shown on the button. Options are: "default", "download", "upload", or "save"
  • callback a custom callback function with the signature () => void | Promise<void>. This function is called when the button is clicked. If the function returns a promise, the button is disabled and a spinner is shown on the button until the promise resolves.


  • inspector.position: string is used to set the location of the inspector to either left or right.
  • boolean shows or hides the inspector.
  • inspector.floating: boolean configures if the inspector panel is floating over the canvas or set aside of it.
  • assetLibrary.position: string is used to set the location of the asset library to either left or right.
  • boolean shows or hides the asset library.
  • settings: boolean shows or hides the settings panel.


  • iconSize: string is used to set the dock button icon size to large (24px) or normal (16px).
  • hideLabels: boolean shows or hides the labels inside the docks buttons.


  • insert.floating: boolean configures if the asset library panel is floating over the canvas or set aside of it.
  • insert.autoClose: boolean | () => boolean configures if the asset library panel is closed after an asset was inserted (default is false).
  • replace.floating: boolean configures if the image replacement library panel is floating over the canvas or set aside of it.
  • replace.autoClose: boolean | () => boolean configures if the asset library panel is closed after an asset was replaced (default is true).


  • opacity: boolean shows or hides the opacity section in the inspector ui for every block.
  • transform: boolean shows or hides the transform section in the inspector ui for every block.
  • adjustments: boolean shows or hides the adjustments section in the inspector ui for the image block.
  • filters: boolean shows or hides the filters section in the inspector ui for the image block.
  • effects: boolean shows or hides the effects section in the inspector ui for the image block.
  • blur: boolean shows or hides the blur section in the inspector ui for the image block.
  • crop: boolean shows or hides the crop section in the inspector ui for the image block.


  • manage: boolean if false removes all UI elements to add/duplicate/delete pages for every role.
  • format: boolean if false removes all UI elements to change the format of pages for every role.
  • maxDuration: number controls the maximum allowed duration of a page, if in video mode