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CESDK/CE.SDK/Web Editor/Customization/API Reference

How to Write Custom Components

Learn how to write or overwrite and register custom components

The CE.SDK web editor provides a set of built-in components that you can reference and render in a specific order. You can see a list of all available components in the respective documentation, including Dock, Canvas Menu, Inspector Bar, Navigation Bar and Canvas Bar.

Additionally, you can write your own custom components, register them, and use them just like the built-in components. This allows you to extend the functionality of the CE.SDK web editor with custom logic and create a more personalized experience for your users.

Registering a Custom Component#

The entry point for writing a custom component is the method registerComponent. For a given identifier, you add a function that will be called repeatedly to render this component. Several arguments are passed to this function that can be used to access the current state of the engine and render an UI with the help of the builder.

cesdk.ui.registerComponent('myCustomComponent', ({ builder: { Button }, engine }) => {
const selectedIds = engine.block.findAllSelected();
if (selectedIds.length !== 1) return;
Button('button-id', {
label: 'My Button',
onClick: () => {
console.log('Button clicked');

When is a Component Rendered?#

It is important concept to understand when this component re-renders after its initial rendering (e.g. the canvas menu was opened). The component assumes that all its state is stored in the engine. Whenever we detect a change that is relevant for this component it will re-render.

In the above example, we query for all selected blocks and based on the result we render a button or not. The engine detects the call to findAllSelected and now knows that if the selection changes, it needs to re-render this component. This works with all methods provided by the engine.

Local State#

At this time it is not possible to have completely local state or enforce a re-render in any other way.

It is recommended to keep the rendering logic and state as simple as possible and only use the engine to store state. If there is no direct state tight to a block, you can use the metadata of the block or even scene.

Passing Data to a Custom Component#

If you add a component to an order, you can either pass a string representing the component or an object with the id and additional data. This data can be accessed in the component function with inside the payload property.

({ builder: { Button }, engine, payload }) => {
const { label } = payload;
console.log("Label", label);
id: 'myDockEnry.dock',
label: "Custom Label"

Using the Builder#

The builder object passed to the render function provides a set of methods to create UI elements. Calling this method will add a builder component to the user interface. This includes buttons, dropdowns, text, etc.

Available Builder components#

Not every location supports every builder component yet. It will be extended over time. If you are unsure, you can always check the documentation of the respective component.

Builder ComponentDescriptionPropertiesAvailable For
Builder Component
A simple button to react on a user click.
label The label inside the button. If it is a i18n key, it will be used for translation.
onClick: Executed when the button is clicked.
variant: The variant of the button. regular is the default variant, plain is a variant without any background or border.
color: The color of the button. accent is the accent color to stand out, danger is a red color.
icon: The icon of the button.
isActive: A boolean to indicate that the button is active.
isSelected: A boolean to indicate that the button is selected.
isDisabled: A boolean to indicate that the button is disabled.
isLoading: A boolean to indicate that the button is in a loading state.
loadingProgress: A number between 0 and 1 to indicate the progress of a loading button.
Available For
Dock, Canvas Menu, Inspector Bar, Navigation Bar and Canvas Bar
Builder Component
A button that opens a dropdown with additional content when the user clicks on it.
The same properties as for builder.Button, but instead of onClick it provides:

children: A function executed to render the content of the dropdown. Every builder component called in this children function, will be rendered in the dropdown
Available For
Canvas Menu, Inspector Bar and Navigation Bar
Builder Component
Renders its content as heading to the navigation bar.
content: The content of the header as a string
Available For
Navigation Bar
Builder Component
Adds a small space (invisible <hr> element) in the canvas menu to help the visual separation of entries.
Separators follow some special layouting rules:
- If 2 or more separators end up next to each other (e.g. due to other components not rendering), only 1 separator will be rendered.
- Separators that end up being the first or last element in the canvas menu will not be rendered.
- Separators directly adjacent to the top side of a spacer (see below) will not be rendered.
Available For
Dock, Canvas Menu, Inspector Bar, Navigation Bar and Canvas Bar