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CESDK/CE.SDK/Web Editor/Customization

Customizing the Web Editor

Get to know the various customization options of the web editor

Design use-cases are unique and require customized solutions. CE.SDK provides multiple options to adapt to your specific product and workflow. For instance, we allow users to build their complete user interface from the ground up by using the CE.SDK engine directly. While this offers the greatest flexibility, it comes at a cost. Building and maintaining a user interface for a design editor is time-consuming and difficult.

The CE.SDK web editor is built with modification in mind, so most use-cases can be addressed by carefully customizing our existing editor UI. This approach saves time and cost, ensuring smooth integration.

The following documentation will guide you through all possible modifications that are available.

  • Basics will teach the core principles and concepts behind our extension points
  • Plugins shows how our APIs can be bundled into modular plugins and lists the plugins provided by IMG.LY
  • API Reference provides a detailed description of all available APIs to extend the web editor