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Configure Callbacks

In this example, we will show you how to configure the callbacks of various editor events for the mobile editor. The example is based on the Design Editor, however, it is exactly the same for all the other solutions.

Note that the bodies of all callbacks except onUpload are copied from the Design Editor default implementations.

Explore a full code sample on GitHub.


In addition to importing an editor module, you also need to import the engine module if you are explicitly referencing its symbols like Engine or MIMEType in the following.


After initializing an editor SwiftUI view you can apply any SwiftUI modifier to customize it like for any other SwiftUI view. All public Swift extensions of existing types provided by IMG.LY, e.g., for the SwiftUI View protocol, are exposed in a separate .imgly property namespace. The callbacks to customize the editor behavior are no exception to this rule and are implemented as SwiftUI modifiers.

The default implementation of the callbacks depends on the used editor solution as each editor provides the most reasonable default behavior for its use case with minimal required code. In addition to controlling the engine, some of the callbacks receive the EditorEventHandler parameter that can be used to send UI events.

  • onCreate - the callback that is invoked when the editor is created. This is the main initialization block of both the editor and engine. Normally, you should load or create a scene as well as prepare asset sources in this block. This callback does not have a default implementation, as default scenes are solution-specific, however, OnCreate.loadScene contains the default logic for most solutions. By default, it loads a scene and adds all default and demo asset sources.
  • onExport - the callback that is invoked when the export button is tapped. You may want to call one of the export functions in this callback. The default implementations call BlockAPI.export or BlockAPI.exportVideo based on the engine's SceneMode, display a progress indicator for video exports, write the content into a temporary file, and open a system dialog for sharing the exported file.
  • onUpload - the callback that is invoked after an asset is added to an asset source. When selecting an asset to upload, a default AssetDefinition object is constructed based on the selected asset and the callback is invoked. By default, the callback leaves the asset definition unmodified and returns the same object. However, you may want to upload the selected asset to your server before adding it to the scene. This example demonstrates how you can access the URL of the new asset, use it to upload the file to your server, and then replace the URL with the URL of your server.