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In this example, we will show you how to use the CreativeEditor SDK's CreativeEngine to edit ranges within text blocks.


This example uses the headless CreativeEngine. See the Setup article for a detailed guide. To get started right away, you can also access the block API within a running CE.SDK instance via cesdk.engine.block. Check out the APIs Overview to see that illustrated in more detail.

replaceText(id: DesignBlockId, text: string, from?: number, to?: number): void

Inserts the given text into the selected range of the text block.

  • block: The text block into which to insert the given text.
  • text: The text which should replace the selected range in the block.
  • from: The start index of the UTF-16 range that should be replaced. If the value is negative, this will fall back to the start of the entire text range.
  • to: The UTF-16 index after the last grapheme that should be replaced by the inserted text. If from and to are negative, a this will fall back to the end of the entire text range, so the entire text will be replaced. If to is negative but from is greater than or equal to 0, the text will be inserted at the index defined by from.
removeText(id: DesignBlockId, from?: number, to?: number): void

Removes selected range of text of the given text block.

  • block: The text block from which the selected text should be removed.
  • from: The start index of the UTF-16 range that should be removed. If the value is negative, this will fall back to the start of the entire text range.
  • to: The UTF-16 index after the last grapheme that should be removed. If the value is negative, this will fall back to the end of the entire text range.
setTextColor(id: DesignBlockId, color: Color, from?: number, to?: number): void

Changes the color of the text in the selected range to the given color.

  • block: The text block whose color should be changed.
  • color: The new color of the selected text range.
  • from: The start index of the UTF-16 range whose color should be changed. If the value is negative and the block is currently being edited, this will fall back to the start of the current cursor index / selected grapheme range. If the value is negative and the block is not being edited, this will fall back to the start of the entire text range.
  • to: The UTF-16 index after the last grapheme whose color should be changed. If the value is negative and the block is currently being edited, this will fall back to the end of the current cursor index / selected grapheme range. If the value is negative and the block is not being edited, this will fall back to the end of the entire text range.
getTextColors(id: DesignBlockId, from?: number, to?: number): Array<Color>

Returns the ordered unique list of colors of the text in the selected range.

  • block: The text block whose colors should be returned.
  • from: The start index of the UTF-16 range whose colors should be returned. If the value is negative and the block is currently being edited, this will fall back to the start of the current cursor index / selected grapheme range. If the value is negative and the block is not being edited, this will fall back to the start of the entire text range.
  • to: The UTF-16 index after the last grapheme whose colors should be returned. If the value is negative and the block is currently being edited, this will fall back to the end of the current cursor index / selected grapheme range. If the value is negative and the block is not being edited, this will fall back to the end of the entire text range.
getTextFontWeights(id: DesignBlockId, from?: number, to?: number): FontWeight[]

Returns the ordered unique list of font weights of the text in the selected range.

  • block: The text block whose font weights should be returned.
  • from: The start index of the UTF-16 range whose font weights should be returned. If the value is negative and the block is currently being edited, this will fall back to the start of the current cursor index / selected grapheme range. If the value is negative and the block is not being edited, this will fall back to the start of the entire text range.
  • to: The UTF-16 index after the last grapheme whose font weights should be returned. If the value is negative and the block is currently being edited, this will fall back to the end of the current cursor index / selected grapheme range. If the value is negative and the block is not being edited, this will fall back to the end of the entire text range.
getTextFontStyles(id: DesignBlockId, from?: number, to?: number): FontStyle[]

Returns the ordered unique list of font styles of the text in the selected range.

  • block: The text block whose font styles should be returned.
  • from: The start index of the UTF-16 range whose font weights should be returned. If the value is negative and the block is currently being edited, this will fall back to the start of the current cursor index / selected grapheme range. If the value is negative and the block is not being edited, this will fall back to the start of the entire text range.
  • to: The UTF-16 index after the last grapheme whose font styles should be returned. If the value is negative and the block is currently being edited, this will fall back to the end of the current cursor index / selected grapheme range. If the value is negative and the block is not being edited, this will fall back to the end of the entire text range.
setTextCase(id: DesignBlockId, textCase: TextCase, from?: number, to?: number): void

Sets the given text case for the selected range of text.

  • id: The text block whose text case should be changed.
  • textCase: The new text case value.
  • from: The start index of the UTF-16 range whose text cases should be returned. If the value is negative and the block is currently being edited, this will fall back to the start of the current cursor index / selected grapheme range. If the value is negative and the block is not being edited, this will fall back to the start of the entire text range.
  • to: The UTF-16 index after the last grapheme whose text cases should be returned. If the value is negative and the block is currently being edited, this will fall back to the end of the current cursor index / selected grapheme range. If the value is negative and the block is not being edited, this will fall back to the end of the entire text range.
getTextCases(id: DesignBlockId, from?: number, to?: number): TextCase[]

Returns the ordered list of text cases of the text in the selected range.

  • block: The text block whose text cases should be returned.
  • from: The start index of the UTF-16 range whose text cases should be returned. If the value is negative and the block is currently being edited, this will fall back to the start of the current cursor index / selected grapheme range. If the value is negative and the block is not being edited, this will fall back to the start of the entire text range.
  • to: The UTF-16 index after the last grapheme whose text cases should be returned. If the value is negative and the block is currently being edited, this will fall back to the end of the current cursor index / selected grapheme range. If the value is negative and the block is not being edited, this will fall back to the end of the entire text range.
getTextCursorRange(): Range

Returns the UTF-16 indices of the selected range of the text block that is currently being edited. If both the start and end index of the returned range have the same value, then the text cursor is positioned at that index.

  • Returns The selected UTF-16 range or { from: -1, to: -1 } if no text block is currently being edited.