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In this example, we will demonstrate how to use the CreativeEditor SDK's CreativeEngine to manage placeholder behavior and controls through the block API.


This example uses the headless CreativeEngine. See the Setup article for a detailed guide. To get started right away, you can also access the block API within a running CE.SDK instance via cesdk.engine.block. Check out the APIs Overview to see that illustrated in more detail.

Placeholder Behavior and Controls#

supportsPlaceholderBehavior(id: DesignBlockId): boolean

Checks whether the block supports placeholder behavior.

  • block: The block to query.
  • Returns True, if the block supports placeholder behavior.
setPlaceholderBehaviorEnabled(id: DesignBlockId, enabled: boolean): void

Enable or disable the placeholder behavior for a block.

  • id: The block whose placeholder behavior should be enabled or disabled.
  • enabled: Whether the placeholder behavior should be enabled or disabled.
isPlaceholderBehaviorEnabled(id: DesignBlockId): boolean

Query whether the placeholder behavior for a block is enabled.

  • id: The block whose placeholder behavior state should be queried.
  • Returns the enabled state of the placeholder behavior.
setPlaceholderEnabled(id: DesignBlockId, enabled: boolean): void

Enable or disable the placeholder function for a block.

  • id: The block whose placeholder function should be enabled or disabled.
  • enabled: Whether the function should be enabled or disabled.
isPlaceholderEnabled(id: DesignBlockId): boolean

Query whether the placeholder function for a block is enabled.

  • id: The block whose placeholder function state should be queried.
  • Returns the enabled state of the placeholder function.
supportsPlaceholderControls(id: DesignBlockId): boolean

Checks whether the block supports placeholder controls.

  • block: The block to query.
  • Returns True, if the block supports placeholder controls.
setPlaceholderControlsOverlayEnabled(id: DesignBlockId, enabled: boolean): void

Enable or disable the visibility of the placeholder overlay pattern for a block.

  • block: The block whose placeholder overlay should be enabled or disabled.
  • enabled: Whether the placeholder overlay should be shown or not.
  • Returns An empty result on success, an error otherwise.
isPlaceholderControlsOverlayEnabled(id: DesignBlockId): boolean

Query whether the placeholder overlay pattern for a block is shown.

  • block: The block whose placeholder overlay visibility state should be queried.
  • Returns An error if the block was invalid, otherwise the visibility state of the block's placeholder overlay pattern.
setPlaceholderControlsButtonEnabled(id: DesignBlockId, enabled: boolean): void

Enable or disable the visibility of the placeholder button for a block.

  • block: The block whose placeholder button should be shown or not.
  • enabled: Whether the placeholder button should be shown or not.
  • Returns An empty result on success, an error otherwise.
isPlaceholderControlsButtonEnabled(id: DesignBlockId): boolean

Query whether the placeholder button for a block is shown.

  • block: The block whose placeholder button visibility state should be queried.
  • Returns An error if the block was invalid, otherwise