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In this example, we will show you how to use the CreativeEditor SDK's CreativeEngine block API to modify a block's metadata. Metadata are a flat map of strings, that you can freely modify. They're serialized with the scene and may be used for various applications.


This example uses the headless CreativeEngine. See the Setup article for a detailed guide. To get started right away, you can also access the block API within a running CE.SDK instance via cesdk.engine.block. Check out the APIs Overview to see that illustrated in more detail.


setMetadata(id: DesignBlockId, key: string, value: string): void

Set a metadata value of a block identified by a key. If the key does not exist, yet, it will be added.

  • id: The block whose metadata will be accessed.
  • key: The key used to identify the desired piece of metadata.
  • value: The value to set.
hasMetadata(id: DesignBlockId, key: string): boolean

Check if the block has metadata associated with the key.

  • id: The block whose metadata will be accessed.
  • key: The key used to identify the desired piece of metadata.
  • Returns whether the key exists.
getMetadata(id: DesignBlockId, key: string): string

Get a metadata value of a block identified by a key. If the key does not exist, yet, this method will fail.

  • id: The block whose metadata will be accessed.
  • key: The key used to identify the desired piece of metadata.
  • Returns the value associated with the key.
findAllMetadata(id: DesignBlockId): string[]

Query all metadata keys that exist on this block.

  • id: The block whose metadata will be accessed.
  • Returns A list of all metadata keys on this block or an error, if the block is invalid.
removeMetadata(id: DesignBlockId, key: string): void

Remove metadata associated with the key from the given block. If the key does not exist, this method will fail.

  • id: The block whose metadata will be accessed.
  • key: The key used to identify the desired piece of metadata.