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Spot Colors

In this example, we will show you how to use the CreativeEditor SDK's CreativeEngine to manage spot colors in the editor API.


This example uses the headless CreativeEngine. See the Setup article for a detailed guide. To get started right away, you can also access the block API within a running CE.SDK instance via cesdk.engine.block. Check out the APIs Overview to see that illustrated in more detail.


findAllSpotColors(): string[]

Queries the names of currently set spot colors previously set with setSpotColorRGB.

  • Returns The names of set spot colors.
getSpotColorRGBA(name: string): RGBA

Queries the RGB representation set for a spot color. If the value of the queried spot color has not been set yet, returns the default RGB representation (of magenta). The alpha value is always 1.0.

  • name: The name of a spot color.
  • Returns A result holding a float array of the four color components.
getSpotColorCMYK(name: string): CMYK

Queries the CMYK representation set for a spot color. If the value of the queried spot color has not been set yet, returns the default CMYK representation (of magenta).

  • name: The name of a spot color.
  • Returns A result holding a float array of the four color components.
setSpotColorRGB(name: string, r: number, g: number, b: number): void

Sets the RGB representation of a spot color. Use this function to both create a new spot color or update an existing spot color.

  • name: The name of a spot color.
  • r: The red color component in the range of 0 to 1.
  • g: The green color component in the range of 0 to 1.
  • b: The blue color component in the range of 0 to 1.
setSpotColorCMYK(name: string, c: number, m: number, y: number, k: number): void

Sets the CMYK representation of a spot color. Use this function to both create a new spot color or update an existing spot color.

  • name: The name of a spot color.
  • c: The cyan color component in the range of 0 to 1.
  • m: The magenta color component in the range of 0 to 1.
  • y: The yellow color component in the range of 0 to 1.
  • k: The key color component in the range of 0 to 1.
removeSpotColor(name: string): void

Removes a spot color from the list of set spot colors.

  • name: The name of a spot color.
  • Returns An empty result on success, an error otherwise.