We are updating our company branding to emphasize that our SDKs originate from IMG.LY and pave the way for the products and technology we are working on quietly behind the scenes. We cannot wait to show you our next racer on the journey to democratize design. As always: what is done in the dark will come to light. So while we are tuning our engines, you may play the soundtrack to The Fast and the Furious!

IMG.LY is now the new company brand for our team members, our products, and our services. Underneath the new look, PE.SDK and VE.SDK are still the same fantastic PhotoEditor SDK and VideoEditor SDK.

Update on 03.01.2022

This brand change has generated some interest in IMG.LY's storied company history, so we'll give some background into our first pivot back when our SDKs were still just glints in the eyes of our developers.

Odds are that veterans of the web who have been on Twitter since some time in the early to mid 2010s have come across a tweet that used img.ly (back then everything was lowercase) as an image sharing service. While img.ly filled a real need and had decent traction, the sword of Damocles that is platform dependence was always hanging over our heads. Inevitably, Twitter developed its own solution and we were honorably discharged from one day to the next.

As crushing a blow as that was, it allowed us to take stock of everything else we had built; mainly a fantastic team of engineers with deep expertise in image processing. In addition while building a camera app on top of our Twitter service we experienced first hand how challenging it is to build image editing and processing features from scratch.

We started talking to other companies and software development agencies and uncovered a lack of production grade solutions. The rest, as they say, is history.

Since then we have set our sights on an even more ambitious mission; to become the creative engine of the digital world, empowering everyone to build first grade design capabilities into their products. This year we took a first big step towards this goal by releasing the CreativeEditor SDK with advanced features such as templating and automations.